Monday, April 03, 2006


Storm Spotter Trainig for 2006

Well, this past Saturday was the annual severe weather symposium held this year at SouthWest highschool here in lincoln nebraska. It started at 9 am and i arrived at about 930am, the earliest i ever arrived to one. As soon as i got there i set up my digital camera and fired up the my dell c600 laptop and it was no more than 20 mintues i had a swarm of people even from other stations / tables saying "how did you get online" . I told them my wifi card was set for it as i also have WIFI at home ... so they had to peak at my gateway address and as far as i know i think they may have gotten online using the LPS internet connection. It came in handy after i didnt have a radio in the building to track the weather baloon that was launched about 1045am. I was actually surprised that it was listed on . the baloon made it to about 92,000 feet and landed in south west iowa about 400 miles away.

I amoung others, were taking pictures of the baloon before and after but i think im the only one who shot video of its launch HAHAHA.

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